There is a major glitch on one of the pages of the application process and contacting support was entirely unhelpful.
I need to enter my high school GPA, which is 3.67. The page is not accepting the last 2 numbers of my GPA and is only entering them as spaces, so my GPA is entered as "3. ". When I save and refresh the page, it is showing up as having been entered "3.00". The support chat, which I had with someone named Brandi, told me there is nothing that can be done about the issue and I will have to accept the undervalued, incorrect GPA on my application (is it legal to enter untrue information on these applications?) and any further issue will have to be taken up with the school I am applying to—which doesn't make sense. How would they be able to fix the issue on the web page or alter the application I submit? It's not their problem. Brandi claimed there was nothing else she could do. She could not reach out to tech support, she could not transfer me to someone else, and she could not give me the name or email of her supervisor. It was "against company rules" (her words). She would not even provide a general support email address until I pointed out to her that when I first went to contact support, there was a phone, email and chat option. Then she gave me the email address I had seen on that first page. I requested a copy of the chat be emailed to me and the email I received did not contain our chat log, but rather her report of our dialogue and my issue, which she had marked resolved (I did take screenshots of our chat to be safe). She said she considers it resolved because there is nothing else she can do. After I refused to accept that, she said she can have her supervisor email me but that they are going to tell me the same thing. When I asked how I can be guaranteed I will be contacted by this supervisor without any information on them, she said she can't guarantee it. After that I just closed the chat because obviously there was nowhere else to go with her.
In summary: OpenCCC wants me to accept a lower GPA on my application, submit this incorrect information (which may not be legal; in the past on such applications I have had to swear under threat of potential legal punishment that all information entered is true and correct to the best of my knowledge), they cannot and/or will not take steps to fix the glitch in their application process, and their support team consists of ineffectual workers who will withhold information, give bad advice and tell you your issue is fixed when it isn't.
I am at a complete loss over what to do about any of this. I will be doing my own research on getting the information of someone whom I can report this to who may actually help me, but who knows how much information is actually out there for me to source. Does anyone have any suggestions or helpful information?
Hello Annastacia,
I have created a support ticket for you and sent you an email. Please check your inbox and reach out to me at your earliest convenience.
Thank you,
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