Not all community college associate degrees are the same and it is important to understand the difference when preparing for transfer. Community colleges have long provided students the opportunity to earn AA and AS degrees that may contain some amount of transferable coursework; however, an AA or AS degree on its own is not a measure of transfer preparedness to a baccalaureate institution. More recently community colleges are offering Associate Degrees for Transfer, labeled as AA-T and AS-T degrees. Students who earn an AA-T or AS-T degree receive priority admission to the CSU system and are admitted to a CSU major that has been deemed similar. Students are also guaranteed admission at junior standing, and the opportunity to complete a baccalaureate degree with 60 additional semester (or 90 quarter) units. AA-T and AS-T degrees are recognized by both the California Community College and CSU systems as a measure of preparation and readiness for transfer to upper-division course work at the CSU. If transferring to a UC is your goal, UC at this time does not provide the additional guarantees for an AA-T or AS-T degree as found with CSU. However, UC will guarantee a comprehensive review for transfer applicants who earned an AA-T or AS-T degree, in addition to reviewing the applicant’s completion of UC transferable major preparation and general elective coursework. To find out what AA-T and AS-T degrees your community college currently offers, visit the Associate Degree for Transfer website’s Degrees web page and schedule an appointment with a transfer counselor at your college to help you create an education plan.
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