Many community colleges offer health services to students. Please contact your local college to find out if they have a student health center and what the fees, if any, are charged per semester. Typically, student health centers handle a wide range of health-related situations including emergency medical treatment, specialized medical services, health counseling, crisis, and personal therapy, and appropriate referrals to community resources. In addition, they also provide educational information to our students and announce health-related events throughout the year.
At the system level, the California Community College Chancellor's Office has information about health services on its website. The Health Services program is committed to strengthening student learning, retention, and success. This is facilitated by supporting the physical, emotional, and social well-being of students through accessible, high-quality health activities and services.
Health Services' primary goal is to provide a scope of services to meet the student’s physical, social, and mental health needs necessary to facilitate the successful completion of their academic goals and objectives. This is accomplished through the provision of first aid, health assessment and treatment, psychological counseling & crisis intervention, health education, and community partnerships.
For more information about Health Services, please visit the Health Services Homepage.
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